Elder Futhark Rune Meanings
Heimdall's 2nd Aett

Hagalaz Galdr (Runic chant)
Hagalaz hagalaz hagalaz
H h h h h h h h h h h
Hu ha hi he ho
Hug hag hig heg hog
Oh eh ih ah uh
H h h h h h h h h h h
(Galdr source: “A Handbook of Rune Magic” by Edred Thorsson)
Hagalaz Old Germanic name: Haal (Hagalaz)
Hagalaz Old Norwegian name: Hagalar
Hagalaz Anglo-Saxon name: Hagall, Haegl
Hagalaz Old Celtic name: Hagall
Hagalaz Old Icelandic name: Hagall, Hagl
Rune Hagal Overall Meaning: Hagalaz is the Rune of destruction, of a full stop and karmic debts. It is also the Rune of natural causes and disasters (hence the name Hail). For this reason, the energy of the Elements has a strong influence on this Rune. It is the Rune of darkness and death. Often the events associated with this Rune are due to external influences and completely out of the control of a person.

Hagalaz is the ninth Rune of Germanic Elder Futhark and the first Rune of the second Aett.
In Asatru Hagalaz is called the Mother Rune as it embodies the forces of creation and destruction within itself. It is therefore the Rune of transformation and balance.
It also earned this name due to its numerical value and shape when placed in a solid figure. When so done, any Rune can be derived from it.
Hagalaz can be used for protection by confusing your enemies and jeopardizing their intentions. It can aid in turning things around and change the course of events and it will help to deal with the issues of the past.
One of the explanations for why Hagalaz stands for the “Egg” is that egg represents the seed of primal cosmic energy and life in Germanic mythology. This is where the creation part of the Rune comes in. Moreover, the concept of the “seed” comes from an Old Icelandic Poem.
The Old Icelandic Poem Says:
Hagall is a cold grain
And a shower of sleet
And a sickness of snakes
It's important to remember that one of the key aspects of this Rune is purging. This is why you shouldn't despair. It doesn't matter what you think have brought you to this point in life - your own doing, someone's fault or external influence of a situation.
Right now, the key is not to feel guilty, desperate or helpless. Your strength, perseverance and mindset will lift you up and carry through this difficult time in your life to a better future. It will not be easy and even the good things in life may have a bitter taste right now. Depending on how big your crash and fall are right now, decide what you can do already today to rise even hire. Everything that happens has a deeper meaning. No, it's not "everything that happens is for the best". Not exactly and not always, if you do not see a deeper meaning. Why this happened to you? What do you need to learn? Can you come out of this even stronger?
Reversed Hagalaz Meaning:
Hagalaz is never read upside down, this Rune has only one position. Therefore, its reversed meaning stays the same as upright. Get ready for changes and shifts that will affect your life. You may be affected by the external influences, events or even be pressured by others. These things will be capable of destroying everything you believed in and hoped for.

Hagalaz can turn things around for you but the Rune requires one to work hard for the results. The Rune will help you to move forward but it definitely won’t make things easy for you.
It is also used to work with psychological issues, subconscious issues and blocks.
As mentioned above, the Rune can be used in protection as well as banishment rituals. This Rune is quite harmonious and it is the power of harmony that blocks off anything that tries to shatter it.
Hagalaz can also be used in protection rituals and can be worn on a person as a protective talisman.
It can be used in love magic, although with a great deal of caution.
Work with Hagalaz in meditation and ritual magic to achieve the following:
Understand the reason behind your failures and mistakes
Give yourself space and chance for new things
To forget and purge of the old memories
To let go of what no longer serves you
To break the ties with people who do not bring you anything good

Even though Hagalaz is not read upside down, this Rune has quite a negative meaning and energy. Even if you appear to be healthy, this Rune recommends at the very least to have your routine check-up and really think about your lifestyle and how it will affect your body long term.
If you are already having issues, throw in all your resources into dealing with the problem. It is not the time to delay or ignore the problem. For more information about how to deal with the situation, I would definitely recommend pulling another Rune.
Often Hagalaz can speak of psychological issues, distress and even bipolar disorder. The reason for that is the polarity of the Rune reflects the bipolar nature hidden within a person.

Hagalaz is not the Rune you would use in love Rituals or in general for any relationship matters, unless you know how to work with it. Yes, this Rune is about Harmony but it does not bring the harmony on its own. Harmony for Hagalaz means the existence of polar opposite forces in it and both co-exist quite harmoniously.
In a relationship matter or reading, much like with anything else this Rune signifies that the cycle is ending and the transformation of your relationship needs to take place. You will either completely break up or go through all the challenges, face and overcome them together and your relationship will grow into something bigger (this is where the part of creation comes into play). But, again, this will require work and compromises from your part. What can you give up, how can you change your perspective?
In career-related questions, Hagalaz would indicate a period of transformation and a necessary shift. You can forget about ambitions and big plans until you assess the situation with the right judgement. You may feel like you have been working hard for many years but are not getting the results you hoped for. Hagalaz in this case is similar to the Death Tarot card. The cycle is ending. Look at other possibilities, as there is no more room for expansion in your current job or career.
With regards to the money, it is best to avoid unnecessary spending or make any kinds of investments. Your monetary resources are not expanding, in fact, should you make wrong decisions, you are risking to suffer a serious loss.
Hagalaz asks for a great deal of patience and strength. If you are planning to start a new job or business, the Rune advises to wait if you can. If you were waiting for a promotion, the opportunity will pass you by, quite possibly because of a person that will try to influence a situation.
Hagalaz + Perthro combination indicate the monetary support that will help to solve your problems.
Hagalaz + Fehu points on big financial struggles, so you really should think about your situation asap and take action.
No. Nope.
Sorry, one more time for people at the back. NO.
Imagine yourself in this situation. You just got yourself a brand-new Mercedes. You drove to a mall, parked and when came out someone scratched your car. Ok, things happen, you think to yourself. You get your car fixed and the next day, you get into a snow storm, lose control and hit a stop sign. Oh, Gods, you think to yourself, two times in a row. You go and fix your car again, only for someone to smash into you from the back while you are just standing at a red light.
How long can you survive like this? A day, a week or a month?
This is a small example of what a life with Rune Hagalaz tattoo can look like.
This Rune has its qualities and meaning for a reason but it was never meant to serve as a permanent tattoo.
Read more: Viking Rune Tattoos: All You Need Know Before Getting One. Norse Runes & Icelandic Staves in Tattoos
Hagalaz can bring up past issues to your attention that you may need to deal with. It is the unlearned lessons and karmic debts that are now holding you back and influence the present situation. In Tarot the parallel can be drawn with the World and Death cards as both indicate the end of the cycle and the beginning of something new.
If you get this Rune in your reading, the transformation is inevitable. All you can do at this time is to think how you will move forward and what you will do differently.
If asking about a specific matter, such as career or finances, often external influences and events are at play with this Rune.
The work of Hagalaz is swift and destructive. In a reading it can mean loss, failure, accident and denial. I know it may be hard to see the light but often these events happen for a good reason.
Check out "Runes" page for Elder Futhark rune meanings