J'aimerais me faire un tatouage au niveau de l'avant-bras, avec des runes. J'ai lu les 2 articles sur le site. Il me semble que les runes que j'ai choisies sont OK. Est-ce quelqu'un saurait me dire ?
Merci beaucoup par avance !
PS : ca serait du meme type que le milieu de ce tatouage, en gros :
Hello Simon, Thank you for taking time to learn about the Runes. It is difficult for me to say if the Runes are ok because generally speaking, all Runes are ok. :) The question should be if the Runes are ok for YOU and for a specific subject. Based on this combination, you have got a number of protection Runes, with enough strength to go to war really but also with some elements of wisdom, good judgment and the desire to have your victories and protect them at all cost. The sequence of Runes is read like a sentence, so the order always matters. At the end of the day, if this is something that speaks to you, then by all means but I would scratch Thurisaz out of this combination. Veronika Zoryawellness