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Elder Futhark Rune Meanings

Heimdall's 2nd Aett

rune eihwaz symbol elder futhark meaning



Eihwaz eihwaz eihwaz

e e e e e e e e e 

iwu iwa iwi iwe iwo

iwo iwe iwi iwa iwu

e e e e e e e e 


(Galdr Source: "Futhark: The Handbook of Rune Magic" by Edred Thorsson)




Old Germanic name: Ezck, Ihwaz

Old Norwegian name:Ihwar

Anglo-Saxon name: Yr 

Old Celtic name: Eihwaz

Old Icelandic name: Eo

rune eihwaz symbol elder futhark

Eihwaz Overall Meaning: Rune Eihwaz is the Rune of World Order, symbolized by the Yggdrasil tree. It is the world of Cosmos, laws, rules and traditions. It is also the Rune of subconsciousness, the ability to transform our thoughts and materialize intentions. Eihwaz is the protection through wisdom and understanding of the word, helping one to avoid making the wrong choice. It helps one to push through and meet their goals.

rune eihwaz elder futhark meaning




Rune Eihwaz is associated with a Yew tree because it represents the Norse God Odin hanging on a Tree. We all know that Odin spent 9 days on Yggdrasil Tree to learn the occult through communication with the ancestors.


The Yggdrasil or the World Tree serves as a link between the 9 Worlds and aids in astral travel, allowing the consciousness to travel between higher and lower realms.


So, what does the Rune Eihwaz mean?


Rune Eihwaz takes a very interesting position in the Aett. It was placed between Jera (which signifies time) and Perthro (which talks about the “open womb” that is a metaphor for things finally starting to come to birth). Eihwaz is the moment “in-between” where you are rather suspended and for a reason. 


It is not a similar feeling we have with Isa when you are asked to wait and avoid action. Here it is the time given to you to regenerate, recuperate forces and, most importantly, work on what you are missing. And when it comes to Eihwaz, it is often what you need to LEARN and what you need to RELEASE in order to move forward towards Perthro


I often say that Eihwaz works and protects through the prevention of undesirable events and situations. I mentioned the Transurfing model a few times in my blog. Transurfing is about materializing what we desire but it is also about finding the right path in life. Often our problem is that we simply knock on the closed (wrong) door, over and over again, expecting a different result. Eihwaz helps to see other doors and guides you towards ones that will be open. For this reason, Eihwaz is sometimes considered to be the strongest protection Rune. At times, you need protection from yourself more than anything else.


Rune Eihwaz does NOT have a reversed meaning. Moreover, it is always a positive Rune, so you can safely use it as your Norse Rune or Viking-style tattoo. Some Runemasters put a dot on the Runestone to know when Eihwaz comes up reversed. I would advise against it. This Rune is meant to be read as it is for a reason.


Rune Advice: Go for it, you will most certainly be able to remove any obstacles on your way. You will have enough strength to reach your goal. Use analysis, thinking, planning and get appropriate information and knowledge in order to choose the right path and make wise decisions. 

rune eihwaz meaning in meditation and ritual magick



Eihwaz would be the Rune of choice for astral travel due to its connection to the Yggdrasil Tree that serves as the link between the 9 Worlds.


Use Eihwaz in meditation for the following:

1. To find your true purpose

2. To ask yourself if the path you are on is truly yours

3. To understand your potential


This Rune would also be a good one to use in a Tree Meditation, where you connect to the core of the earth by imagining the roots growing down from your spine through the earth.    


Eihwaz can be used in Magick for the following:

1. Protection

2. Removal of obstacles and misfortunes

3. Finding the right path in life

4. For personal growth

5. To release the fear of death

rune eihwaz symbol jewelry

Rune Eihwaz as Talisman


Rune Eihwaz is most often associated with protection, as a talisman, however, it does not give you the same qualities as would a true protection Rune, such as Algiz.


You will be working on YOUR OWN resources and not those of the Rune. 


Eihwaz can protect against need, conflict and making the wrong choice. 


It will help you to see things clearly and make the right decision. 

eihwaz elder futhark rune meaning health



In health matters, Rune Eihwaz will once again ask to come back to its meaning of “hanging”. 


You may feel that right now that you are not getting better. The Rune suggests reviewing your treatment plan and perhaps changing your method and approach. Maybe it will be a wise idea to seek a second opinion or even change a practitioner to get more knowledge. 


You may also need to review your lifestyle and see how you can make improvements. 


Everything considered you have a good chance of recovery.


Be mindful of the following combinations that signify a temporary worsening of the situation:


Eihwaz + Thurisaz: there may be a sudden drop in your well-being. It is important to act on it quickly with an understanding that things will get better.


Eihwaz + Hagalaz: things can be worsened and it’s crucial that you don’t fall into despair. 


Eihwaz promotes metabolism, increases strength and vitality, and gives your body the necessary resources to grow and become.


While I know it may sound scary to some but know that Rune Eihwaz releases one from the fear of dying, as the Rune itself is a balance of life and death. 

Rune eihwaz in love & relationship meaning



In love and relationship questions, Rune Eihwaz will mean a period when you may be experiencing small day-to-day misunderstandings and arguments that will not really cause long-term consequences. Try to show understanding and patience.


Sometimes Eihwaz says that your relationship is up for a test of time and you may need to prove your love for each other.


If you are looking for a relationship right now, then Eihwaz will ask you to wait a little longer but you WILL meet that right person. Sometimes, the wait is really worth it. 


If you are unsure about your partner being the right person for you, then Eihwaz is a “yes” Rune. 


Eihwaz + Laguz will ask you to think and act from the heart rather than your head. 


Eihwaz + Uruz will be a very powerful combination, signifying an intense passion and lust.

rune eihwaz meaning in money and career


Eihwaz is usually a positive Rune with regards to career matters but if you are awaiting a promotion or in general want to expand, then the road may be longer than you are anticipating. 
As I mentioned a lot for this Rune, knowledge and communication are key. See what knowledge you are missing? Maybe there is a course you need to take that will improve your skills and, in turn, your chances to get noticed. Especially this is important if Eihwaz comes up in a combination with the Rune Kenaz.

Eihwaz + Isa will mean that the pause is even longer than you are hoping for. Use this time to access what you are missing and work on those gaps. 

Eihwaz + Jera will be a good combination, as they are followed by Perthro in the Aett. They will mean that you are ALREADY on the right track and need to continue with your path. 
Eihwaz + Fehu is a very favourable combination with regards to your “money matters”. It may be a good time to learn more about investment, passive income or simply, how you can expand your finances.

rune eihwaz in norse and viking style tattoos meaning



You can use Eihwaz in your tattoos safely. This Rune also does not have a reversed position, so it can’t have a significantly bad influence on your life.


That said, this Rune won’t offer much influence if you ask me. So, if you are anticipating some mystical events and transformation, they won’t come under the energy of this Rune.


Eihwaz is too much in tune with your PERSONAL power. It can aid in guiding it, strengthening what you already have. So, think about what you have to offer first.


Read more: Viking Rune Tattoos: All You Need Know Before Getting One. Norse Runes & Icelandic Staves in Tattoos


Rune Eihwaz is not to be read upside down, so if you ever come across its “reversed” meaning, you can safely ignore it. 
What’s more important is that it is ALWAYS a positive Rune. Even surrounded by the “negative Runes”, Eihwaz acts as a compass that tells you: “It’s okay. You are getting there. Keep going, keep pushing.”

Eihwaz says that a person is capable to go through any obstacles. You have enough wisdom and strength but you also may need to change your approach as tried and tested methods may not work for you this time.

And take a good look at the Runes around, as they will give you good guidance with regards to the following questions:
·      What knowledge am I missing?
·      What can help me to remove the obstacles?
·      What ARE the obstacles that prevent me from getting to my goal?
·      What do I need to pay closer attention to?

Eihwaz + Raidho predicts a travel that will help you meet new people and make useful connections. It can also mean moving.

rune eihwaz elder futhark meaning

Eihwaz as Rune of the Day: Eihwaz calls for reflection and brooding. You may be analyzing your life and past events a lot today, looking for a deeper meaning in what is happening. It may seem like the are obstacles and challenges in your life but in reality, you have the necessary resources to deal with them.

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rune eihwaz elder futhark meaning

Eihwaz Rune meaning. At the background is featured Rune Deck by Cocorrina. Post by Zorya Wellness, Tarot Reader & Teacher and Runemaster. Ideal for those who are just starting out on their Rune journey.

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