-- The High Priestess | Zorya Wellness
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Journey of the Hero




Symbol: ☽

Number: II

Element: Water

Astrology: Moon

Zodiac: Cancer

Mythology: Eurynome, Demetra

Letter: ב Beth/Beh/Vet

I Ching: Hexagram 2 "Field" ䷁

Keywords: Secret, Hidden Knowledge, Divine Feminine



The Priestess Tarot card symbolizes our hidden and not yet realized potential. It demonstrates the need for the Fool to turn inside towards intuition and presentment. Now that he's learned about his plans and abilities, it is time to listen to what the inner voice has to say.


The High Priestess is the reminder to set aside logic and search for the Truth within. The "bright" side of the Priestess is understanding, patience, kindness, compassion and the ability to use her resources and wisdom for the greater good.


The "shadow" (reversed) side of the High Priestess is jealousy and suspicion.


So, what exactly does the High Priestess Tarot card mean in a reading? In a reading, the card can simply point to a woman in your life that possesses the above qualities. Secondly, it always signifies the presence of some sort of secret or unknown information. But the appearance of the High Priestess card means that it is a chance to uncover the mystery. The card can be an indication of uncertainty. It is the time when you are unsure how to act or what decision to make, perhaps because there is not enough information or knowledge.


Sometimes, the High Priestess points to a time when you lack enough knowledge and it can quite literally mean that you may need to take a course, look for information or obtain certain qualifications.



The High Priestess has an incredibly developed level of intuition in consciousness. A person described by this card always knows what to say and senses lies or deceit from a mile away. They are also private and only trust a handful of people.


The High Priestess as Card of the Day: Today is a good day to trust your intuition, dreams and oracles. Pay attention to those “strange coincidences” and look for signs of the Universe. It is a day to take a step back and be an observer. Be calm and let things unroll without expectations. It’s not a day to play games or be deceiving; on the contrary, it is best to act in good faith and be honest. Something can come up that’s been in secret for a while. But before you rush to find out, ask yourself if you are ready for this. Look for the root of the question, and go deep into the details.

The High Priestess Tarot Journey into Egypt

The High Priestess Journey into Egypt Tarot Cards Deck

The High Priestess marseille.jpg

The High Priestess Tarot of Marseille Deck

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The High Priestess Tarot Pictorial Key Tarot Deck


The High Priestess is a very promising card, especially for those working in science, education, healing and psychology. It is also a good card for empaths and psychics, indicating a well developed intuition. For the latter, the card can be used in rituals as a portal between the worlds to access information.

The High Priestess card suggests it is a good time to upgrade your qualifications, learn something new or even to change your field. If you are wondering what career path to take, this card represents the above fields.


With regards to money, the High Priestess is not the best omen. It can mean that your job, although is dear to your heart, does not bring you financial satisfaction.

The High Priestess has the element of secrecy to it. Do not disclose your financial situation to others without a need. If you are in business or asking about the finances of someone else, it can also mean that they are hiding something from you.



In its shadow (reversed) position, the High Priestess card can indicate a toxic relationship overwhelmed with jealousy, suspicion and fights. It can also mean that someone in your relationship is being secretive and dishonest but soon things may come to the surface.

The High Priestess can come up as a woman and a lover as it can indicate a hidden relationship. But in general, this is not a romantic card. To understand it better, you need to look at nearby cards.




The card calls for an investigation of the health situation. Do not dismiss signs and symptoms or take them lightly. Seek referral to a specialist, do extra tests, and get to the root of the problem. In its shadow (reversed) position, the High Priestess may be a sign of poor female health and sexual dysfunction; it can also be a sign of difficult labour.




The High Priestess card would mean yes in a spread if you listen to your intuition and no, if you rely on logic alone.

the high priestess visconti tarot cards deck

The High Priestess Visconti Tarot Deck

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The High Priestess Shadowscapes Tarot Deck

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The High Priestess Thoth Tarot Deck



The Fool + The High Priestess: inability to keep a secret, mental distress in woman, the intuition that is failing


The Magician + The High Priestess: hidden intentions, occult knowledge, a lover, a scientific approach


The Empress + The High Priestess: a wise and active woman, who takes importance in both work and family, pregnancy, femininity


The Emperor + The High Priestess: female lover, a man with a mother, a need for a personal approach


The Hierophant + The High Priestess: spiritual practice, strong support, genetics, marriage, religious structure, upbringing


The Lovers + The High Priestess: a temptation, uncovering a secret, inability to make a choice, dual nature, hiding a lover


The Chariot + The High Priestess: thoughts of a change, meeting a new person while travelling, making choices with intuition


The Strength + The High Priestess: a need to pause, dramatic approach, overflow of emotions, competition with a strong opponent


The Hermit + The High Priestess: wisdom through solitude, lonely woman, mistrust, self-isolation, a burdensome secret


The Wheel of Fortune + The High Priestess: passive reaction to change, luck, internal transformation, luck in action


Justice + The High Priestess: cold decision making, legal action, a rightful judgement of the situation, desire to divorce or of marriage


The Hanged Man + The High Priestess: a betrayal, single mother, sacrifice for a child, psychological distress, lack of action


Death + The High Priestess: transformation through knowledge, discovery, difficult relationship, a painful epiphany


Temperance + The High Priestess: taking a break, seeking healing, harmony, a time to prepare for changes


The Devil + The High Priestess: dark magic, evil soul, fraud, sexual connections, powerful attraction


The Tower + The High Priestess: an internal would be opened, impulsive action, release from insecurities and uncertainties


The Star + The High Priestess: an epiphany, intuitive person, a prophecy, taking a retrospective


The Moon + The High Priestess: lies, female cycle, neurological distress, absorbing negative energy, paganism, competition


The Sun + The High Priestess: a romantic soul, immature mind, a need for acceptance and sympathy


The Judgement + The High Priestess: healing, karmic work, seeking a cause and deeper meaning, ancestry, secrets uncovered


The World + The High Priestess: birth of a child or even an idea, complete information, end of studies

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